Pete Catches was my dad’s “blood brother” (hunka).
More Information
- 10 Sacred Native American Places (Feb 27, 2017), at, visited Aug. 8, 2019. From the Grand Canyon, to the little known eerie Black Hills, these are 10 Sacred Native American Places !
- Art In Motion presents Lakota Medicine Man Pete Catches: “Walks With Fire” (Sep 28, 2017), at, visited Aug. 8, 2019. I met the late Medicine Man, Pete Catches in Moscow, as part of the American contingent at the 7th Generation Conference, and then interviewed him in Philadelphia, although he lived on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Of all the “Holy people” I’ve ever met, Pete was the only one I ever believed could speak with the Almighty.
- Pete Catches (Aug 5, 2009), at, visited Aug. 8, 2019. Medicine man Pete Catches sits down with Art In Motion. This 36 second spot is only a glimpse into the culture and life of Pete Catches.
- Peter Catches sharing vision of Oceti Wakan (Aug 24, 2010), at, visited Aug. 8, 2019. Peter Catches (Jr.) sharing his vision of Oceti Wakan, a healing/educational center on the Pine Ridge Reservation for the Lakota people.
- Sacred Buffalo People (Feb 26, 2009), at, visited Aug. 8, 2019. Pete Catches, Sr. tells a traditional story: how the bison and the Lakota came to be related.