Race is a social construct. There’s no better way to understand what that really means than to look at history.
“So get this. Some of the eighteenth century founding fathers only thought English and Danish people were white. Even Swedes and Germans were “swarthy.” French certainly were. So Franklin would not have considered me white, since my family is French and German. We’re swarthy. We do have some Scottish, but if the Swedish are swarthy I suspect he thought the Scottish were, too. Since Coulter is in part Irish and German, Ben Franklin wouldn’t have accepted her as white, either, and was worried about the German part of her family acting like barbarians and interfering in elections. You can only imagine what he would have thought of German grifters like Donald Trump’s grandfather.“
Read More:
- Cole, Juan. “Dear Ann Coulter: Ben Franklin Wouldn’t Have Thought of You or Trump as White, Either“. Truthdig, Nov. 10, 2016.